2023年 |
Wakuta M, Nishimura T, Osuka Y, Tsukui N, Takahashi M, Adachi M, Suwa T, Katayama T. Adverse childhood experiences: impacts on adult mental health and social withdrawal. Frontiers in Public Health, Sec.Public Mental Health Vol.11, Oct 26 2023. |
2020年 |
Nishimura T, Wakuta M, Tsuchiya KJ, Osuka Y, Tamai T, Takei N, Katayama T. Measuring School Climate among Japanese Students-Development of the Japan School Climate Inventory (JaSC). International journal of environmental research and public health. 17(12) Jun 19, 2020. |
2019年 |
Osuka Y, Nishimura T, Wakuta M, Takei N, Tsuchiya KJ. Reliability and validity of the Japan Ijime Scale and estimated prevalence of bullying among fourth through ninth graders: A large-scale School-based survey. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 73(9) 551-559 Sep, 2019. |
2015年 |
GazeFinder (Ka-o-TV)を用いた自閉 スペクトラム症の早期診断指標の開発 ~1歳6ヵ月乳幼児健診における活用に向けて 土屋 賢治,服巻 智子,和久田 学,新村 千江,首藤 勝行,大須賀 優子,村田 絵美,坂 鏡子,中原 竜治,浅野 良輔,高貝 就,鈴木 勝昭,森 則夫,黒木 俊秀,片山 泰一.脳21 Vol.18 No.2, 2015. |